9 Min. Read FULL article
Let happiness inside.
Time to choose a new floor? How exciting! Whether you enjoy dancing, playing with your four-legged friend, having a cosy meal, or working from home: the floor beneath your feet sets the foundation for moments of joy. With Myfloorstyle, we guide you through every step towards your dream floor.
Why is laying an underlay important?
Why is laying an underlay important?
Have you found your favourite floor? Then it is time to have it installed. And it is best to do this carefully, because the...
6 Min. Read FULL article
In which direction should you lay laminate?
In which direction should you lay laminate?
Are you going to install a new floor and have chosen laminate? Then you probably can't wait to get that beautiful,...
6 Min. Read FULL article
Every floor tells a story.
What’s yours?
Stay informed. Stay inspired.
Not sure yet which direction you want to take with your floor or interior? Want to check if you're really up to date with the latest trends? We’re happy to provide you more information and inspiration!
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